Mary O’Connor (she/her)

I like to think of my work as a garden. A place where complex emotions, sensations, and questions can be planted and cultivated. A place found in the recesses of personal spirituality and interiority. This garden is for rest, for love, and for prayer. All that I could ever offer. It is a meditation for when the deep emotions and tangible experiences of life meet the spiritual. I work to visualize and materialize this imaginary garden through the means of painting and printmaking. Through the abstraction of light and geometric shapes, I communicate these visceral sensations when language refuses to make sense of them - creating a space that cannot be easily and quickly described, but intuitively understood. An intuition rooted in inspirations and aspirations that exist to bridge a more universal sense of being and my Catholic upbringing. These motivations inform the decisions I make throughout the creative process. Decisions in regard to the manipulation and interaction of geometric forms in the presence and absence of light and color. These decisions serve to spark a deeply emotional and indescribable connection with the viewer, so that these works can become an experience in and of themselves. These spaces, though potentially confusing, exist to slow us down and to give pause from our daily lives.
